Wednesday 9 September 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We had an amazing first day of school!!!

First we started with a story about a panda's first day of school and then talked about how similar the book was to the students first day today. Then we did a name game to allow them to familiarize themselves with their classmates.

Following this we headed to the washroom and chose one healthy snack to eat. Then we did calendar.

For their language activity each student had to tell me what their first name started with and then I gave them a sheet to colour it in and attempt to write their name on top if they could. Then they decorated it with stickers.

In math we talked about a group picture where students had to tell me what they saw and the number of items. Then I did a quick assessment to see how they were able to sort different items by just placing them on the table and having them try.

Following recess and lunch the students had fun in gym with Ms. Lovan and then for their daily five word work they had to follow the outline of their name written in glue on a piece of black construction paper using cut up pieces of straw. 


Then they had french with Mlle. Hou. 

In UOI we talked about good vs bad manners and we taped the correct monster faces under each heading after discussing why it was good or bad.

Have a great evening!
Ms. Bannon

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