Monday 17 December 2018

Marvelous Monday

Calendar - days of the week, months of the year, season, weather, question of the day and a story

Language - students reviewed the formation and sound of the letter z. Then they brainstormed words that began with it and completed a page in their phonics journal.

Gym - today students had fun with gonoodle!

Recess/Lunch 1

Math - first students walked around the room and had to find the sums for the addition sentences that were taped around the room. They did a great job! Afterwards we took it up together as a class and the completed their review package.

UOI - students learned why Pluto is no longer a planet and then completed a worksheet where they had to put in order all the planets from the sun.

Recess/Lunch 2

Journal - students have started to learn about how different countries around the world celebrate Christmas! Today we traveled to Australia & Nicauragua. 

Library - Ms. Hayward

Then it was time to pack up and head home!

Have a great evening,
Ms. Bannon

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