Thursday 7 September 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Calendar: students sang months of the year and days of the week, added the 7th to our calendar, and changed the weather. Then we read a story.

Language/Fine Motor Activity: Students used cut up pieces of straw and followed the outline of their names.

Math: students used counters and numbers cards to review numbers 1-10 and one to one correspondence. 

Then they had gym and french.

After second recess we talked about our classroom rules and some students started to get their hands traced as a collective agreement. The rest we will finish tomorrow. 

Then we ended the day with inquiry centres. 

Here is the picture with the students' house colours. 

* A reminder also that September lunch payments are due tomorrow!*

Have a great evening!
Ms. Bannon

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms. Bannon, Armaan's name is missing from the house color picture. Please can you add it.

