Monday 14 September 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

After morning assembly in the gym, we read a story and then students had to find the letters in their name by cutting them out from a sheet and gluing them back in order on a strip of paper. We worked on proper scissor grip!

Then we had a washroom and snack break. Following that we did calendar and then started the letter of the week: I. We reviewed the name, sound, and formation then watched a video about the letter I. For language, students completed a letter I sheet from their Writing With Phonics workbooks.

In Daily Five we rotated through 2 stations this morning: Word Work - playdough mats (students rolled playdough into the formation of the letters on the sheet) and Work on Writing - students used bingo dot markers to outline their name.

After lunch and recess the students had fun in gym with Ms. Lovan. Then we worked on math - sorting. One student had to come and choose an object from the book and the rest of the class had to come up and choose another object that matched the sorting rule.

After second recess and lunch the students had french with Mlle. Hou.

For UOI we talked about what it means to be a good friend and listed the ideas on a flipchart.

Some students had the chance to talk about what they brought from home for their All About Me. They were very excited about it!

For those who have not gone yet, please just keep their items in their backpacks/agendas and I will let you know via e-mail or agenda note that they've had their turn and you can take them home. Thanks!

Have a great evening!
Ms. Bannon

A reminder that the welcome BBQ is this Thursday, September 17th @ 4pm!! Money and forms are due tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable class! Thank you for the updates. Our little one is having a great time at school... Thank you Ms. Bannon :)
