Monday 30 March 2020

Marvelous Monday

Good Morning SK's!!! I hope you enjoy today's activities and 
lessons! You got this!

Sun Smiley Face Clipart


days of the week (sing along to the song!) 

months of the year (sing along to the song!)

seasons (sing along to the song!)

Language - students will learn the blend sound 'er'

  1. Students will watch the ER blend video: and then make a list of words they found. They will go back over them and read each one aloud. 
  2. Students will practice the blend sound ER in their journal or piece of paper
  3. Ms. Bannon's video:
  4. Students will complete the 'er' wordsearch.

Math - students will review the worth and characteristics of the penny, nickel, dime and quarter

       1. Students will watch Ms. Bannon's video:
       2. Students will then complete the worksheet.


PE with Ms. V!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Since we are all learning how to use SeeSaw today, I thought it would be a good idea to relax and take some time for ourselves today. We will be doing Yoga today to relax our bodies and minds, focus on our breathing and be mindful with ourselves. You may choose to do one of the following activities: Yoga Card (photo below)– Do each pose and hold the stretch for 20 seconds or more Yoga in the Hive Cosmic Kids Yoga – Kickapoo the Kangaroo HOMEWORK: Think of an activity that you would like to master while learning from home. It must be something involving physical fitness. We will work on these goals throughout the next couple of weeks. I will be asking for responses throughout the week. Examples: - Dribble a soccer ball - Jump rope - Do a cartwheel - Balance on one foot for 30 seconds Have a great day!!

Spring activities (“Les activités du printemps”)
Students will watch this video to learn about spring activities: Please listen carefully and repeat after me :)


UOI - today students will learn all about the community helper firefighter!

1. Students will watch a video:
2. Students will role play “stop, drop, and roll” & watch Ms. Bannon's video:
3.  Students will work on a writing activity sheet.

Journal - students will complete the following sentence in their journals: My favourite toy is ___________ because___________. Then they will draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Have a great day! Hope you had fun!
Ms. Bannon

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